Rose Nairn – Director – Member since 2016
What attracted you to the Karralika Board?
Rose reached out to Karralika when she was faced with a family member directly impacted by drug addiction. Karralika helped her better understand the situation, learn the role their therapeutic programs play in this social circumstance and what assistance was needed. Becoming a Board Member of Karralika has enabled Rose to act on her passion by further extending her community interaction post her retirement from her professional life.
When you’re not at board meetings, what do you do professionally?
Rose has a keen interest in housing affordability especially for low to middle income groups. Through her research and participation in forums Rose would like to develop a new business model , in the future, to enable this group to close the home ownership gap.
When How does your experience support Karralika Programs in providing a strong service to the wider community?
Throughout her professional life Rose has always maintained a close connection to her community. Whether it was volunteering for several charities or providing pro bono financial advice to not-for-profits. Over the past ten years that included working directly with the community sector in her social sector banking & finance role. She has always had a passion for helping people, especially those who have little voice and are often powerless.
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Do you need help?
Every journey begins with the first step. We have fully trained staff ready to speak to you about your dependence or about someone you may care for.
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