Project Description

REVersed Driver Education Program

REVersed is an interactive, informative and affordable program, provided in a safe learning environment where issues related to drink driving and driving under the influence of drugs is explored. The extended course is run over two, 3-hourly sessions face-to-face.

The program will provide you with information and facts about alcohol and other drugs; examine the impact of drink and drug driving behaviour on yourself and others; and provide difference approaches on ways to prevent re-offending.

You will receive a Certificate of Completion after attending both sessions.

You can REGISTER here

REVersed course

Our face-to-face sessions are held in our offices at 2 Napier Close, Deakin ACT.

Please note to complete the course you need to attend both sessions in the month
March 2025April 2025
Session 1: Wednesday 19th
Session 2: Wednesday 26th
Session 1: Wednesday 16th
Session 2: Wednesday 23th
6:00pm - 9:00pm6:00pm - 9:00pm

What is the cost?

  • Standard Registration – $220.00**
  • Student, Pensioner, Concession card holder – $180.00**

**Prices include a $50.00 non-refundable deposit payable on enrolment.

A deposit is required to enrol in the course, and the full fees are payable before the course completion certificate can be issued.

Please contact our team on 02 6185 1300 if you have any questions or need further information.

02 6185 1300 during business hours or send an email to

Have court coming up prior to the next available course?

We can provide a letter advising of your enrolment and the course details once your enrolment is confirmed.

For more information about the program:

Please call 02 6185 1300, or email the team at:

Do you need help?

Every journey begins with the first step. We have fully trained staff ready to speak to you about your dependence or about someone you may care for.